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Great Grandfather William Priddey (1865-1928)

Despite being a national finalist on five separate occasions, my Great Grandfather William Priddey never won the “Shepherd’s Beard Of The Year” competition, although he was highly commended for his patent “Bell Wether Chinstrap” in 1911.
Great Grandfather also tried to grow a pair of ram’s horns on his head. He prepared his own growth stimulant concoction based on horse lineament, liver and sheep droppings which he rubbed each morning into the two parts of his scalp from where he wanted his horns to sprout. It didn’t work; the only result was that he smelt so bad that he was barred from all public buildings in the vicinity and great grandmother Kate had to wear a peg on her nose.
He died in 1928 trying to head-butt his way through some French doors.